Saturday, April 26, 2014

Department Of Agriculture Funding- Joshua D Mosshart/ Joshua Mosshart

          The U.S. Department of Agriculture funding initiatives and budget for fiscal year 2014.

The 2014 Department of Agriculture ("DOA") budget has $22.6 billion in discretionary funding.

The DOA will invest $4 billion in renewable and clean energy technology to support global competetiveness and U.S. independence in the renewable energy sector.

The DOA provides for $383 million in Food Reasearch and Development for nutrition, increasing productivity, combating obesity, food safety, bioenergy, sustainable agriculture, and solutions for global warming.

$7.1 billion will support supplemental nutrition for women, infants and children to ensure healthily birth, growth and development for low-income and nutritionally at risk woman and children up to age five.

The DOA can also provide funding and leveraged resources collaborating with Federal, State and tribal partners to accelerate conservation and improved water quality.

One of the top initiatives getting DOA funding support is for innovation in providing sustainable technology and practices to insure our future availability of the supply of food.

The DOA also has funding support for developing countries through research and technical assistance to find solutions for chronic hunger and support global food security.

                                              Additional Funding Initiatives

                        Provides grants to support job creation in rural communities.

            Provides grants to help support the development of rural renewable energy.

Joshua D. Mosshart Bio
Cleantech Grants

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