Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Congratulations to Cleantech Grants, Grant Management Team!

Congratulations to Cleantech Grants, Grant Management Team!

Our grants managements team has generated over $185 million in grant awards. We specialize in the following areas:

Alternative Transportation
Renewable Energy
Water Infrastructure
Information Technologies
Cyber Security
Workforce Development
Human Services/Housing/HUD
Environmental Programs
Natural Resources/Trails
Community Planning/Urban Greening
Children's Services

Some Awarded Grants

Department of Energy
Industrial Capture - Beneficial Reuse of Carbon (Phase 2)

California Energy Commission
Alternative and Renewable Fuel Infrastructure

CA Energy Commission PON-09-006
Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program

CA Energy Commission PON-09-006 
Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program

CA Energy Commission PON-13-609
Pilot-Scale and Commercial-Scale Advanced Biofuels Production Facilities

Department of Energy
Industrial Capture - Beneficial Reuse of Carbon (Phase 1)

California Energy Commission
Alternative Renewable Fuel

California Energy Commission
Energy Innovations Small Grant Transportation Program

CA Energy Commission PON-13-501
Emerging Technology Demonstration (ETDG III-Natural Gas)

Sacramento River Monitoring Program

State Water Resources Control Board
Big Chico Creek and Lindo Channel Floodplain, Wetland and Riparian restoration

New York State Research and Development Authority
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Demonstration Program

New York State Research and Development Authority
PON-2301 Round 2 - Workplace EVSE Demonstration Program

Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Iron Canyon Fish Passage Construction

California Energy Commission PON-13-504
Renewable Energy and Conservation Planning Grants

CALFED Ecosystem Roundtable
Sacramento River Conservation Area Working Landscapes Grant

National Science Foundation
Concrete Industry Management Expansion Program (one of three partners)

Brickyard Creek Watershed Project- Phase 1 and Phase 2

Resources Legacy Fund
Funding for land acquisition and watershed outreach

California EPA - State Water Resources Control Board
Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant Program - Round 2

US Fish and Wildlife Service
Iron Canyon Fish Ladder

Deer Creek 204 Project
Included permit coordination and overall project management

Iron Canyon Fish Ladder - Phase 1 of multi-phase project: Permits and pre-construction

Red Bank and Reeds Creek Watershed Projects
Permit coordination and over-all project administration

Climate Change and Emissions Management (CCEMC) Corporation
CCEMC Grand Challenge: Innovative Carbon Uses 

California Energy Commission
PON-11-602 Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, EV Chargers

CA Energy Commission PON-13-606
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

City of Chico subcontract to conduct restoration work
Verbena Fields and Bidwell Avenue Restoration

CA Energy Commission PON-13-606
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

CA Energy Commission PON-13-606
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

CA Energy Commission PON-13-606
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

State Water Resources Control Board - Subcontract
Joint program with the Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance

California Energy Commission
PON-13-603 Alternative Fuel Readiness Plans

New York State Research and Development Authority
PON-2301 Round 2 - Workplace EVSE Demonstration Program

Department of Justice
Coordinated Tribal Assistance FY13

California Watershed Funding Database - Developed prototype and conducted training

Deer Creek Roads Survey

Tehama County Resource Conservation District
Subcontract with Tehama County RCD

Lindo Channel Monitoring Program - Team Arundo del Norte

California Energy Commission
PON-11-602 Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, EV Chargers

Butte County Resource Conservation District
Watershed coordination on Big Chico and Little Chico Creeks

Association of Bay Area Governments
CA Energy Commission Grant Administration Services

Portland Cement Association
National Recycling Study

State Parks Department
rundo [giant cane plant pest] removal and GIS mapping

US Fish and Wildlife Service
Non-native removal on Deer Creek in Tehama County, CA

US Fish and Wildlife Service
Non-native Removal at Big Creek Ecological Reserve

California Energy Commission
PON-11-602 Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, EV Chargers 

Child Abuse Prevention Center
Program Evaluation Services

Great Valley Center Legacy Funds
North Valley Renewable Energy Strategic Plan Development Support


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