Friday, July 11, 2014

Unsolicited Grant Submissions- Joshua Daniel Mosshart

There are billions of dollars allocated to the private sector in the form of U.S. Federal Grants every year. 

Why aren't you getting a piece of the pie if you have an innovative idea, service or product?

Its all about how you ask for it and what information you include in your Unsolicited Grant Proposal. 

When prepairing your Unsolicited Grant Proposal you need to include the following fundamental information.

How your technology will provide a solution or aid that agency with their current initiatives and mission.

                         Business Financial Information

A cost estimate for your proposed project detailed based on the SF 424 Budget Worksheet (SF424 Excel Worksheet). 

Also a descriptive marketing piece or an executive summary and a brief description of the facilities.

                                    Technical Information

Include about a 500 word summary of the proposed technology or research. This should be informative and provide comparisons of similar technologies and the differences and advantages of your technology rather than business as usual.

Keep in mind that this should be kept in layman terms and be a basis for a first introduction. The body of the summary should contain the work plan with sufficient technical detail to permit a meaningful evaluation. 

                   The plan of approach should be outlined.

Current facilities and equipment especially adapted. If the project will be performed away from the proposer's facility or a new manufacturing facility to be developed explained in full.

Key personnel and the roles withing the business/project with brief biographical information on each clarifying the experience and expertise. 

Most Federal Agencies are not required to perform a comprehensive evaluation of unsolicited proposals not related to its mission.

The key questions in a Unsolicited Grant evaluation are the following:

In your proposal do you demonstrate a unique and innovative method, approach or concept?

What is the overall scientific/technical or socioeconomic merit of the request?

What are the contributions to the agencies mission?

What are the key personnel's capabilities, related experience, facilities, techniques, or combination of these which are unique factors for achieving the proposal objectives?

How realistic is the project?

What is the discretionary capital available currently to support the proposed project and relative merit of the project to others which could be supported with the same funds?

                                 Reporting Requirements

Once you receive the award typically between 3-6 months a number of reporting requirements will be required. A schedule of reports will be arranged at the time of the award.

Program managers that grant the award have been instructed to use discretion in report selection in order to keep administrative
burdens to a minimum. Usually, an annual progress report is sufficient.

Click: Cleantech Grants
Joshua Mosshart BIO

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