Saturday, August 2, 2014

Grants-Department of The Interior-Energy & Water Initiative-Joshua Daniel Mosshart

"As part of President Obama’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, Interior is committed to expanding safe and responsible oil and gas development on public lands and Indian trust lands. 

With the help of new technology, the Bakken in North Dakota is generating impressive energy production for our Country and creating thousands of American jobs, as well as substantial royalty revenues for the State, Tribes, and taxpayers. 

By upgrading and improving our oil and gas drilling permit processing systems and technologies, we believe we can improve efficiencies while ensuring thorough reviews for safety and compliance".           
                                                                  Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior April 3, 2012

"The Administration has implemented a true all-of-the-above approach to American energy, with renewable energy from sources like wind and solar doubling since the President took office, while at the same time domestic oil and gas production has increased each year".

                                                             Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior October 23, 2012

"These renewable energy projects reflect the Obama Administration’s commitment to expand domestic energy production on our public lands and diversify our Nation’s energy portfolio".      

                                                               Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior March 13, 2013 

The Department of Interior’s focus on America’s energy future supports an all-inclusive approach, one that responsibly develops not only conventional but also renewable resources on the Nation’s public lands.

Interior’s resource programs are working to achieve a responsible balance between reducing reliance on imported oil and broadening the Nation’s energy portfolio, while also ensuring that it chooses the right places to develop and enforcing strong safety standards in development. 

"In just over four years, we have advanced 37 wind, solar, and geothermal projects on our public lands–or enough to power more than 3.8 million American homes.

 These projects are bolstering rural economies by generating good jobs and reliable power and strengthening our national energy security". 

Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior  March 13, 2013 

The Administration places a priority on ensuring clean and safe water supplies and on restoring and protecting ecosystems. Federal agencies must work together with State and local governments, Tribes, industry, the agricultural sector, and other non-governmental partners to achieve these goals. 

These integrated efforts will lead to improved strategies and results to better protect the Nation’s water resources.

Mission – The Bureau of Reclamation’s mission is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public. 

"Water and energy are linked….Water is necessary to generate power, while energy is required to store, move, and treat water. Water saved is energy earned, and energy saved is water earned". 

Michael Connor, Commissioner 
Bureau of Reclamation 
October 11, 2012

"Interior’s mission is vast in terms of our economic impact, physical presence, our direct impact on the American public. We have an obligation to the American taxpayer to look for better ways to get things done to deliver our mission more effectively". 
Rhea Suh 
Assistant Secretary – Policy, Management and Budget 
November 15, 2012  

As the largest supplier and manager of water in the 17 western States and the Nation’s second largest producer of hydroelectric power, Reclamation’s projects and programs are critical to driving and maintaining economic growth in the western States. 

Reclamation manages water for agricultural, municipal and industrial use, and provides flood risk reduction and recreation for millions of people. 

According to The Department of the Interior’s Economic Report Fiscal Year 2012, Reclamation’s activities, including recreation, contribute $52.3 billion to the economy and support nearly 366,300 jobs. Reclamation owns 76 power plants and operates and maintains 53 of those plants. 

The 53 hydroelectric power plants account for 15 percent of the hydroelectric generating capacity in the United States. 

Annually, Reclamation generates more than 40 billion kilowatt hours of electricity, enough to supply over 3.5 million U.S. households and collects nearly $1 billion in gross power revenues for the Federal government. It would take more than 23.5 million barrels of crude oil or about 6.8 million tons of coal to produce an equal amount of energy with fossil fuels. 

As a result, Reclamation’s facilities eliminate the production of over 27 million tons of carbon dioxide that would have been produced by fossil fuel power plants. 

Bureau of Reclamation 

• Established in 1902. 

• Manages, develops, and protects water resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner. 

• Largest supplier and manager of water in the 17 western States. 

• Manages 476 dams and 337 reservoirs with the capacity to store 245 million acre-feet of water. 

• Delivers water to one in every five western farmers for about 10 million acres of irrigated land, and provides water to over 31 million people for municipal, rural, and industrial uses. 

• Is the Nation's second largest producer of hydroelectric power, generating 40 billion kilowatt hours of energy per year. 

• Addresses water resource challenges posed by drought, climate change, depleted aquifers, environmental needs, energy demands, and population increases in the West. 

• Provides substantial benefits to recreation and fish and wildlife habitats.

Joshua Daniel Mosshart-BIO
Source: Department of The Interior

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